Lung Disease
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Home remedies have their own importance and specialty. we do not need to go to the doctor for everything. some remedies are also hidden in the kitchen of our house. which we can use to treat our common problems. today we are going to learn about some diseases of lungs and their home remedies.
Table of Contents
What is “Lungs”
Lungs are the components of our respiratory process. we breathe through the lungs. oxygen is taken from the air through the lungs and carbon dioxide is thrown out from inside. this is an important function of lungs in our body. therefore, it is very important to keep them healthy.

There are many diseases of the lungs that everyone has to face in a normal way. lungs disease we can weaken a person and cause many diseases and sometimes there is a possibility of death of the person. we are going to know how we can treat some such common disease at home. such as cough, cold, tuberculosis (TB), asthma, phlegm, etc.
Home Remedies for Lungs Disease
1) Cough (Khasi)
Cough is a lung related disease, which everyone suffers from. when one has cough, there is a problem in breathing and mucus in lungs. cough is caused due to the virus, bacteria, fungus, these are the main causes of cough. apart from that dust, pollution, changing weather, cold weather, sunlight can also cause cough. difficulty in breathing increasing amount of mucus, these are the common symptoms of what kind of home remedies can we do in a case of normal is given below. if you do not get relief from it and the cough is severe amount, then you should consult a doctor.
Home remedies for cough: –
- When you have a cough, you should stop drinking cold water and drinking hot water. provides relief from cough.
- If you have cough, then grind black paper and mix it in honey and then lick it to get relief from cough. do this treatment at night and do not drink water after licking it.
- For cough take 200 grams of onion, 2 gram of Ginger, 4- 5 pieces of big paper, 10 grams of black pepper, 2.5 grams of sugar candy, cut all these into small pieces and add some ghee to it and heat it on fire. and consummate 2 3 times a day.
- Hit a branch of rock salt on fire and then deep it in half glass of water with the help of tombs and take it out entering that water
- Heat 10 gram Ginger juice and 10 gram honey and consume it wise a day this is a good remedy for cogh
2) Hiccup
Hiccups are an uncontrollable problem that occurs while eating or drinking. hiccup means that someone is remembering you, but this is not a real reason. the real reason behind hiccups is that when the diaphragm contract which close the vocal cords, making it difficult to breath properly through the Airways. the reason for hiccups could be that you have eaten too much, consume alcohol or consume carbonated drinks. the problem of usually last for a short time and gets cured in a few minutes. in a very few cases a person has hiccups for a very long time and then they are not getting cured. in such a case you should consult a doctor
Home remedies for hiccup: –
- Rubbing dry ginger in water and smelling it helps in stopping hiccups.
- Sucking small pieces of Ginger to stop hiccup.
- If you have, hiccups then putting camphor on the burning coal and smelling it will stop the hiccups.
3) Cold & Cough
Cold is a disease caused by viral infection. it occurs in the sinuses, nose, throat and upper Airways. cold is a common disease that everyone suffers from and get cure automatically within a week or two. runny nose, sore throat, continuous cough are the common symptoms of cold and cough. cold can also be caused by viruses like Rhino virus, corona virus, influenza, parainfluenza, contact with the infected person.
Home remedies for cold and cough: –
- After dinner or one hour before going to bed, drink one and half glasses of freshwater and then eat 100 to 150 grams of jaggery 10 minutes before going to bed. do not drink water at all after eating jaggery just clean your mouth with water this helps in curing cold and cough.
- Eating eight basil leaves and two black papers every morning cures cold and cough.
- Those who have been suffering from cold for a long time should definitely try this remedy. the day is remedy is to be try it right food in the evening and before that stop eating fry and spicy food. two hours after dinner take wheat flour and grind it. add some jaggery to this flower and knead it. make a thick chapati and fry it. when it becomes crispy like a biscuit eat it hot and do not drink water after it. by doing this even chronic of cough and cold gets cured.
4) Tuberculosis (TB)
Tuberculosis called to “Tupedik” in Hindi is an infectious disease that occurs in the lungs. TB is a serious disease that spread through the Airways. TB bacteria are spread in the air by an infected person and if these bacteria enter your body, TB occurs. this disease occurs in the lungs, and it’s called pulmonary TB.
TB has to be treated by a doctor and this treatment takes 6 to 9 months, sometimes it can take up to 2 years. coughing for more than three weeks feeling tired, losing weight are some of the symptoms of TB. for this a course of antibiotics has to be taken. to avoid TB, it is right to follow cleanliness good food and good lifestyle and along with that take medicines regularly. along with medicines you can also use the home remedies mention below: –
Home remedies for Tuberculosis (TB): –
- Clean the garlic, grind it, filter it and mix it with water. TB infected person can benefit by giving it two or three spoons to this three times a day.
- Feeding cauliflower soup to a person infected with TB is very beneficial in curing his disease.
- Grinding Manuka, pipal and sugar is equal quantities and consuming one spoon of it in the morning and evening helps in getting relief from TB
5) Asthma
Asthma is an inflammatory disease of the lungs that spread through the airway and causes difficulty in breathing. asthma occurs in an older people than normal. it is accompanied by symptoms like cough, difficulty in breathing, wheezing in the throat. it is important to take treatment for asthma per the doctor advice and along with that you can also adopt the home remedies given below: –
Home remedies for asthma: –
- Take a banana and without peeling it make a hole in it and fill the with a little rock salt and black paper powder and keep it overnight to the in the moonlight then roast in the morning and eat it. eating this to two to three times a day can provide relief from asthma.
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6) Phlegm
phlegm is a disease in which a thick liquid like substance is present in the throat which is called phlegm. it forms the lining of many tissues of the body. to protect other organs from drying and keep them moist. phlegm is that throat act like net which traps external substance like dust, smoke, bacteria etc.
Home remedies for cough: –
- By peeling ginger and cutting into small pieces the size of pea, keeping it in mouth and sucking it, phlegm comes out easily.
- Grind mulhatti and dried amla separately and sieve them and then mix them and eat. eating this powder in the morning with the beneficial for cough.
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